Patient's Charter




All members of the surgery Primary Care Team are dedicated to a quality policy to achieve health services that meet the patient's requirements. 


Practice Leaflet

All new patients will receive a copy of our practice leaflet, and copies will be available at reception or  from the practice website.


Surgery Premises

Our surgery building will be welcoming, easy for patients to find their way around and appropriate  to the needs of users, including the disabled.


Patients' Rights to General Medical Services

Patients have the right to:

  • Be registered with a named general practitioner (GP);
  • Change their GP if desired;
  • Receive urgent care at any time from the practice;
  • Receive appropriate drugs and medicines;
  • Be referred for specialist or second opinion if they and their GP agree;
  • View their medical records, subject to the Acts and associated procedure, and to know all NHS employees are legally obliged to keep the contents confidential.

Changes to Procedures

When changes are introduced to practice procedures that affect patients, we will ensure that these  are clearly explained, by means of a brochure; waiting room noticeboard or individual leaflets, giving  as much notice as practicable.


Repeat Prescriptions

To ensure the best possible knowledge of your personal health, these will be signed by your usual GP wherever possible.



  • Urgent referrals to other health and social care agencies will be made within one working day of  the patient consultation. Where requested, our GPs will refer you to a private health provider.
  • We will normally process non-urgent referrals within five working days of the patient consultation or the doctor's decision to refer.

Test Results

When a doctor or nurse arranges for a test to be taken the patient will be informed how to obtain the result. (Results are normally available after 2pm the following day).


Transfer of Medical Records

The Practice will endeavour to dispatch any medical record required by the Health Authority within seven working days, or on the same day if the request is urgent.

We will respect patients' privacy, dignity and confidentiality at all times



  • With a Doctor: For routine consultations, we will endeavour to offer patients an appointment within five working days of the request. However we have on the day appointments every morning available for more urgent appointments.
  • With a Practice Nurse: For routine appointments, we will offer an appointment within five working days. If there is a delay in the appointment wait (when you arrive) of more than 20 minutes, we will let you know. We are happy to update you on any delay situation if you feel that you have been waiting too long.
  • Home Visits: We are unable to guarantee a specific doctor will visit you, as this depends on availability and other factors. The decision to home visit will be at the doctors’ discretion.

Out of Hours Emergencies

We will do everything possible to ensure that our system for contacting the duty doctor is easy to follow, reliable and effective.


Waiting Times

  • Surgeries will normally start on time.
  • We expect patients to be seen within 20 minutes of their appointment time, and in the event of a delay we will offer an explanation.
  • When a doctor is called away on an emergency, we will inform the patients and give them an opportunity to book an alternative appointment, or if preferred, to be seen by another doctor.

With these rights come responsibilities. For patients this means:

  • Showing courtesy to the staff at all times - remember they are working under doctors' orders.
  • Responding in a positive way to questions asked by reception staff;
  • Attending appointments on time or giving the practice adequate notice that they wish to cancel. Someone else could use your appointment!
  • An appointment is for one person only - where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made and the medical record be made available;
  • Patients should make every effort when consulting the surgery to make best use of nursing and medical time - home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience;
  • When patients are asked to give 48-hours’ notice for repeat prescriptions, please give us this time, as it is to allow for accurate prescribing;
  • Out-of-hours calls (e.g. evenings; nights & weekends) should only be requested if they are felt to be truly necessary. This service should not be used for routine medical matters